My fellow readers,
I was listening to the radio yesterday, on my way home from dropping my kids off at school.
It’s a Dallas country radio station and one of the things they said is they always hope when people listen in, in the morning they’re on their way to do something fun. That they get to give them a laugh or a smile that morning. But yesterday was a hard day, waking up to the news of a mass shooting at a country festival in Las Vegas.
Like the radio DJs, as an author, and an author for the readers, I don’t like to be the deliverer of the bad news. I like to keep things positive to work hard to #makereadinggreatagain
In the wake of this tragedy, we will all take our different paths in how we will react. Some will go to social media for political reasons or disgust. Some of us will sit back and wait for a phone call to know their loved ones will be okay. And some of us have problems digesting tragedy. Some of us will sit back, and escape into another world whether it’s a book or mindless reality TV.
It doesn’t mean these people care any less than the others who are more vocal. We all process things differently. To those who need that escapism, like I do, here are today’s new releases. May you find peace and comfort in this fictional reality in whatever you’re going through right now.
*Without Merit by Colleen Hoover (A powerful, gutting new story from the queen of the ugly cry.)
*The Ghostwriter by Alessandra Torre (Romance writer telling her real life story that isn’t so much a HEA)
*Holiday Spice by Samantha Chase (Snowed in with a brooding artist)
*The Indigo Girl by Natasha Boyd (Based on true life events in Colonial-era South Carolina)
*Show me the way by AL Jackson (Sexy single dad/construction worker and the woman next door)
*Ticket to Bride by Liz Issacson aka Elana Johnson (Matchmaker sweet romance set in Texas)
*The Choices I’ve made by JL Berg (haters to lovers, second chance romance)
*A latte of love by Gloria Hermann (Single girl looking for love in Seattle)
*Rockers Unite by Heidi McLaughlin et al (Rockstar anthology!)
*Must love curves by Glenna Maynard (Curvy girl romance! #oneclick)
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