The question I always get asked is HOW?
I have two young kids (6 and 4), I work from home with two jobs, my husband works in the city, I have a crazy puppy, and I’m involved with my kids school and sports.
So where does Weight Watchers fit into all of this?
I plan ahead
I have to. I actually even started tracking my dinners for the week in the app so I could look them up later and have the recipes handy. I also do Kroger Clicklist shopping, so I have all of the ingredients on my app, add those to my Kroger cart, and when I pick my youngest up from preschool, I swing on over and pick up my groceries. This way I’m not taking time out of my day when I should be working (or you know Facebooking) and wander around the grocery store, convincing myself I don’t need the Hershey bars on sale.
Then there lies the cooking thing…
I’m a big crockpot cooker. It’s my saving grace. My oldest gets on the bus at 6:25 AM (I know, RIGHT?) then my youngest doesn’t go to school until 9, so in between that time I started having her help me with the crockpot.
I have one of these nice programmable ones (That is actually on it’s last legs since I’ve had it almost ten years and I asked for Packers one for Christmas)
And I can’t forget about crockpot liners because honestly? I dont want to clean that thing either. I cook, when dinner is done, we put up leftovers, and throw away that bag. Wallah! I also order these in bulk, like literally 6-10 boxes at a time
My recipes are ones I find on the Weight Watchers app by searching “slow cooker”. I dont make a new slow cooker meal every single night, because a lot of these, well they make a ton of leftovers. But I do try to make a meal at least three-four times a week in the crockpot.
Want an example of one with my twists?
Slow Cooker Italian Chicken Sausage Stew (7 points and kid approved)
- 1 lb Yukon gold potatoes cut into bite size chunks (I bought red potatoes and sliced them in half then had my youngest put them in the crockpot)
- 2 cups store bought marinare sauce (Got a can of the Kroger brand and had my youngest dump it in)
- 9 oz chicken sausage, cut into bite size chunks (I bought the big link at Kroger for like $3, sliced it up and youngest dropped that in too)
- shittake mushroom caps, 2 cups (I just got whatever the sliced white mushrooms were on sale and we dumped in the container)
- Minced garlic, 1/2 tsp (Just scooped out 1/2 a tsp out of the jar)
- 3 tbsp fresh parsley or basil chopped (Yeah…I just got the freeze dried stuff )
Pour it all in the crockpot and set on low for six to 8 hours and each serving yields one cup. You can add in extra parsley or basil on top (0 points) or some shredded mozzarella (1/4 cup is 4 points).
So what do I do during the day? Get in my water? Excercise? Food?
Like I said before, these make a lot of leftovers. So my lunch is either usually leftovers or I’ll take an Ole wrap with some lunch meat and cheese (The Ole wrap is only one point and yes we buy these in bulk as well for the nights I dont want to cook I’ll usually eat a wrap and then some smart pop to go with it (2 points a bag and you bet your butt we buy a ton of this And now that fruit is zero points, we eat a ton of pineapple so I always have that with some meal.
Then there comes in the water, and my sweet tooth.
Working at home, I have a lot of time where I can think about snacking or roaming the fridge.
It also gives me time to drink a ton of water. So I bought one of these not yeti, yet kind of a yeti, vacuum sealed tumblers in 40 oz (and monogrammed it because you know, vinyl business) and not only have my water but I add in some True Lemon (another thing we buy in bulk since I go through 3 of these a day in my 40 oz water cups )
Believe it or not these do satisfy my sweet tooth and I get in a crud ton of water during the day!
So now you know…
If nothing else gets done during the day, at least I’ve made dinner and drank my water and that’s half the battle to keeping up with Weight Watchers.
Have any other questions? What else would you like to see me blog about with my Weight Watchers journey?
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