Teaser Tuesday Excerpt: Heired Lines

Posted April 28, 2020 by Magan Vernon in Books / 0 Comments

Coming May 11th


Sometimes, you’ve got to take a job with the devil to pay the bills…


Too bad I learned too late the devil wears Armani, is the most uptight man in the history of history, and I just signed an unbreakable contract shackling me to his pompous royal side for the summer.


But God, he’s got this British accent that makes my panties melt.


Until the words he says catch up with my brain and make me want to throw one of his precious vases at his head.


One minute we’re fighting—and the next—we can’t keep our hands off each other. Because somehow, when Mr. Blue Eyes is kissing me, he makes me forget how much he annoys me.


And that starts a whole new level of complications I. Don’t. Need.


Cuz if you dance with the devil, someone’s gonna end up getting burned…


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    “I’d love to be able to adopt one. Or all of them,” I said softly, wishing I could take all of them home with me.

  •       True, I had a soft spot for all animals. But seeing these two with their little wandering eyes made me wish I could take them back to America with me. Maybe I could just ship them to my mom?
  •       My mom.
  •       My heart dropped to the bottom of my chest.
  •       Shit.
  •       I stood up slowly, all the dogs’ eyes following me.
  •       I was supposed to be finding a gift for her, not following my boss into a pet shop and talking to some woman about adopting animals.
  •       I didn’t know what to even say to these women in front of me, either.
  •       Sorry, I’m working for a lord in a castle with a bunch of dogs? Maybe he’ll adopt some though?
  •       No, that was stupid.
  •       Who would even take care of them?
  •       Would they just run with the Pyrenees?
  •       Before I could come up with a good exit, Gavin’s voice boomed from behind me.
  •       My shoulders stiffened as I found my feet stuck to the ground.
  •       “You said you have eleven dogs?”
  •       The woman looked up and nodded toward Gavin.
  •       “Yes, if you know anyone looking for a dog…” The woman held out a black-and-white pamphlet.
  •       He didn’t bother grabbing for it. “I’ll take them all.”
  •       I gasped, all of the hairs on the back of my neck and arms standing in shock. The woman’s eyes widened before she sputtered.
  •       “We, uh, well, we do have an adoption process we go through with a home visit and interview.”
  •       He didn’t even blink. “I’m sure you’ll find Webley Manor accommodating.”
  •       The woman stared at the other woman with her, gaping open-mouthed.
  •       Then she leaned over, not so subtly whispering, “I believe that’s Lord Gavin.”
  •       He pulled a small business card out of his wallet and handed it to the two stunned women.
  •       “My property manager’s information is all on there. He can give you a tour of the dogs’ manor and answer any other questions you may have.”
  •       A tear sprung to the woman’s eyes as she shook her head. “I don’t know what to say.”
  •       He nodded, his face still, but I think there was a hint of a smile as he turned toward me. The first one he’d really given since I arrived at the manor.
  •       And that damn smile melted everything inside me. I was surprised my legs didn’t turn to jelly and I became a puddle of goo right there.
  •       “I have to head back soon, but you can stay as long as you need to. I’ll have a car pick you up.”
  •       In my moment of pure wonder, I forgot I was in town for a purpose and it wasn’t to pet dogs. Or find my teensy-weensy little crush on my boss grow. Something that I definitely needed to tamp down.
  •       “Okay,” I squeaked.
  •       Shit.
  •       I had to bring myself back to reality.
  •       So I shook the hands of the two women, thanking them for the information.
  •       “Your boyfriend is quite a generous man,” one of the ladies said.
  •      “Oh, he’s not my boyfriend,” I stammered.

The woman tilted her chin down as if she was asking “really?”



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