Title: Edge of Glory
Series: Friendship Texas #1
Release Date: July 12th, 2016
Genre: , ,
Pages: 225
Goodreads: Add to your TBR shelf.
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"Welcome to Conti's. I'm Lia and I'll nguhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 

I froze. Directly facing me was Olympic swimmer, Jay Morningstar…and I just made an idiot of myself. 

The rest of the table looked up to see my standing there with my mouth practically gaping. His coach, who I recognized from TV interviews, and even two other swimmers from the Olympic team. They didn't say anything, they didn't even blink. 

"Uh…I mean…" 

I couldn't even put together my words and Jay Morningstar was just staring at me with that Wheaties box smile and those icy blue eyes. 

What was I supposed to say? Sorry I just made a weird noise, it's just that I have a poster of you on my wall where you are wearing nothing more than your gold medals, a smile, and a pair of man panties?

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