Title: Famed
Series: Friendship Texas #3.5
Release Date: June 4th, 2017
Genre: , ,
Pages: 96
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On the heels of Mary James leaked sex tape - totally a fake one to make her boyfriend jealous she might add- she needs some PR help if she ever wants her acting career to end up in a fiery hell like her love life. 

Chris Garcia has been working his way up from mailroom clerk to junior associate at Tate & Cane and now to get to the next rung of the corporate ladder he has to take on the firm's toughest client: Mary James. 

With a little help from a nosey Aunt Rosita and Mama Garcia, the two decide the best way to move forward is simple: a fake relationship. 

But what happens when something fake gets to be too real and FAME gets involved?

Also in this series: