New Release Endorsements for 4-24-18

Posted April 24, 2018 by Magan Vernon in Books, Super Tuesday, Vernon Release Endorsements / 2 Comments


My fellow readers,

 I’ve tried to set before you some of my most deeply held convictions and beliefs. This book world which I am privileged to serve and this group of authors which I am proud to be a part of are engaged in the massive task of restoring confidence and stability to our fellow readers.

I’ve always known that task was vital. And during these trying times, it has become even more vital than ever.  Let our lack of time, our anxiety, and whatever else ails us,  be the spur for us to dedicate with a new urgency our every ounce of energy and moral strength to rebuild our love for reading.

Let us stand together and do our duty and pick up these new releases.

And we shall not fail.

(parts borrowed from Margaret Thatcher’s The Lady’s Not For Turning speech. #FEELTHEVERN #MakeReadingGreatAgain)




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