Category: news


Posted March 18, 2020 by Magan Vernon in Books, news / 0 Comments



Sometimes, you’ve got to take a job with the devil to pay the bills…

Too bad I learned too late the devil wears Armani, is the most uptight man in the history of history, and I just signed an unbreakable contract shackling me to his pompous royal side for the summer.

But God, he’s got this British accent that makes my panties melt.

Until the words he says catch up with my brain and make me want to throw one of his precious vases at his head.

One minute we’re fighting—and the next—we can’t keep our hands off each other. Because somehow, when Mr. Blue Eyes is kissing me, he makes me forget how much he annoys me.

And that starts a whole new level of complications I. Don’t. Need.

Cuz if you dance with the devil, someone’s gonna end up getting burned…

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Straight Up Irish in AUDIO

Straight Up Irish in AUDIO

“Full of Irish charm, sweeping scenery, and swoon-worthy romance.” – Jay Crownover, NYT bestselling author I need a wife if I want to help save my family’s billion-dollar pub empire. There’s just one problem: I never plan on marrying. So, I need someone who understands that this is just another business deal. I […]

Posted September 29, 2019 by Magan Vernon in news / 0 Comments

New Release Endorsements 6/25/19

New Release Endorsements 6/25/19

My fellow readers, Summer. Summer is supposed to be a relaxing time, right? So why do we all feel busier than ever, my fellow readers? I propose, as an author for the readers, that it’s time we take our summer back, my fellow readers. It’s time we take those relaxing […]

Posted June 25, 2019 by Magan Vernon in news / 0 Comments

New Release Endorsements 5/28/19

And now a message from Magan Vernon, an author for the readers. My fellow readers, As May comes to a close, I urge you, my fellow readers, to look closely at your e-reader and TBR pile. Do you have enough reading material for those summer days where you plan on […]

Posted May 28, 2019 by Magan Vernon in news / 0 Comments

First Chapter Reveal Dirty Irish

First Chapter Reveal Dirty Irish

Chapter One Sean  “My brother’s wedding is at the end of the month. He said it’s a small thing without groomsmen, so you don’t need to worry about matching a dress to my tie or anything. I can get you the times once Jack bloody gets them to me and […]

Posted May 13, 2019 by Magan Vernon in news / 1 Comment

HeartBreaker Prologue and Giveaway!

HeartBreaker Prologue and Giveaway!

Prologue Sixteen Years Earlier The curtain finally closed on the show I’d been on since I was eight years old. Which meant now I had more freedom to do movies or whatever the hell else I wanted. That is, if someone would fucking hire me. But since I wasn’t working […]

Posted May 3, 2019 by Magan Vernon in news / 0 Comments

Some Kind of Love

Some Kind of Love

I hopped off the plane at JFK with a dream and my MacBook.Only to have my dreams squandered and end up soaking my sorrows with bread and jam at the local flea market.I must have been pretty pathetic for the jam maker to give me a job and a place […]

Posted March 4, 2019 by Magan Vernon in news / 0 Comments



Sometimes I forget I’ve been around forever. Sometimes it still baffles me that I get opportunities to work with YUGE authors and platforms like Kobo to bring together a great sale for readers. 💞 You can browse all of my books that are BOGO right hereeeee 💞 Including all four […]

Posted February 5, 2019 by Magan Vernon in news / 0 Comments