Tag: MakeReadingGreatAgain

New Release Endorsements 5/28/19

Posted May 28, 2019 by Magan Vernon in news / 0 Comments

And now a message from Magan Vernon, an author for the readers.

My fellow readers,

As May comes to a close, I urge you, my fellow readers, to look closely at your e-reader and TBR pile.

Do you have enough reading material for those summer days where you plan on lounging by the pool? Or, if you’re stuck indoors at work, do you have those escapist reads for your lunch hour while you sit in the air conditioned lounge or in your car, trying to avoid other people?

If the answer is no, then my fellow readers, you need to stock up and #oneclick these new releases.

If the answer is ‘yes’, then what are you currently reading? Do you have 100 more books on your ereader to get that fire going?

I didn’t think so, my fellow readers. It’s time that we #makereadinggreatagain and let’s share these new releases! Share what we are #amreading Together, we can MAKE READING GREAT AGAIN.



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